Highway Chile – The Ride: Ride, Forest! Ride!

Someone should have told him there was a better way… poor little fool. “DAMN YOU, JENNY.”

– Highway Chile

highway chile, travel, motorcycle, harley-davidson, highway to hell, biker, bikes, hippies, people, nature, badass, californication, california, adventure, escapade, journey, journal, writing, photography

music, producer, audio, mycst, memories you can swim to, license, licenses

  1. Creature Moments No. 7 1:43
  2. Creature Moments No. 6 1:06
  3. Creature Moments No. 5 6:47
  4. Creature Moments No. 4 4:16
  5. Creature Moments No. 3 13:19
  6. Creature Moments No. 2 2:42
  7. Creature Moments No. 1 12:49