The Eidéponmyg Series: Our interpretation of the Gymnopédie piano pieces by Erik Satie, made in 1888. The pieces defied what was expected of most classical musicians of that day – something we were greatly inspired by.

acoustic, art, artist, composition, classical, orchestral, cinematic, weird, interpretation, cover, couch music, chill, ambient, background music, experimental, piano, electronic, reverse, sound design

mycst, memories you can swim to, california, license, licenses, media production

  1. Creature Moments No. 7 1:43
  2. Creature Moments No. 6 1:06
  3. Creature Moments No. 5 6:47
  4. Creature Moments No. 4 4:16
  5. Creature Moments No. 3 13:19
  6. Creature Moments No. 2 2:42
  7. Creature Moments No. 1 12:49